Thompson Road is a vital east – west connection in Melbourne’s south east growth region of Casey. The new twin bridge structures provides grade separation of Thompsons Road from the Cranbourne rail line ensuring better connectivity for those who live and work in the area, as well as a safer journey for both vehicle and train commuters.
The bridge incorporates vehicular as well as safe pedestrian and cyclist movements via a shared user path facilitating connection to local neighbourhoods and to Merinda Park Station.
The large span of the bridge ensures the undercroft space feel open and inviting with generous natural light to encourage use and reinforcing an important local pedestrian connection. The materiality of the bridge creates a strong yet simple design language that is both interesting and textural blending into the surrounding area and landscape.
Key drivers of the design were:
• Upgraded infrastructure for greater connectivity
• Consideration of local pedestrian networks and reinforcing these with shared user paths
• Safety and perception of safety through maximising natural &
artificial light in the shared user path undercroft spaces
• A strong bridge identity utilising materiality and texture and integration of landscaping
Project Summary
BMD Construction on behalf of VicRoads
Lyndhurst, Victoria
Original Value
Commercial in Confidence
In construction